Company formation in Poland by licensed Law Firm in Poland
Our Law Firm in Poland assists clients in all stages of establishing company in Poland. We help our clients with every detail connected with establishing business entities, including Limited Liability Company. Our company formation in Poland service is the most flexible on Polish market. You will be assisted in every stage of establishment company in Poland by our lawyers in person, who will allay all your doubts and answer all queries.
Our scope of service includes:
1. Brand new company establishment in Poland and its full registration: including registration in National Court Register (“KRS”); obtaining Tax Identification Number (“NIP”), VAT and VAT EU Number, EORI number;
2. Sale of already made and fully registered company in Poland.
We can assist you in person in company opening in Poland in every city (Warsaw, Łódź, Cracow, Katowice, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk, etc.).
Our scope of services connected with establishing company in Poland includes also:
1. Assisting with opening a bank account in Poland with Internet service in English language version;
2. Seeking and assisting with concluding virtual office in Poland (PO box) lease agreement
We shall organize entirely whole process of formation company in Poland. Our lawyers are motorized and will move by their cars with you through notary office, bank branch, office providers and other necessary points to complete formation or sale company in Poland only in one day – we need your presence in Poland only for one day.
Opening Bank Account for foreign or Polish company in Poland
A bank account is essential operational tool for all transaction conducted by your company. Opening bank account in Poland is not difficult but involve some efforts in presenting bank sufficient corporate documents of you company and arrange meeting to conclude bank account agreement.
Our Law Firm cooperates with the most prominent and recognized in European Union banks, which enable our clients to operate bank account via Internet Service in English language version. The currency in Poland is PLN – Zloty, however we can assist you in opening a bank account in all available currencies i.e. Euro (EUR), United States Dollars (USD), Swiss Franc (CHF) or Pound Sterling (GBP) etc.
Our Law Firm in Poland assists also in opening bank accounts for foreigners companies in Poland, having its seat also outside European Union.
Business Residence Permit in Poland
Establishing and starting a business activity (i.e. formation of the company) in Poland does not give an automatic right to reside in Poland – but it is strong reason for the request. To submit the request, it is necessary i.e. to have an health insurance and place of residence in Poland. On the other hand, company covered by the application must also meet certain conditions i.e activities must bring an income.
Obtaining Permit of Residence in Poland entitles our clients to move freely to other Schengen Member States.
In our scope of legal services is not only preparing and filing application but also guiding our client with requirements, monitoring all procedure and side activities: finding proper insurance company, place of residence, accountancy services.
Debt Recovery and Litigation in Poland
Our Law Firm in Poland provides our clients with all available legal ways of recovering funds in Poland. We have experienced and authority in resolving legal disputes in Poland at amicable way, which is first stage in debt collections. The debtor is usually contacted several times through official summon in writing, telephone and email. We also meet debtor in person trying to reach a settlement i.e. paying the claim in equal installments or paying later the whole amount of the due amount.
If the amicable procedure is proved to be ineffective we initiate litigation in Poland, bring an action and represent our Clients before the court. During whole court proceedings our clients are provided with periodic update report concerning status of his case.
After obtaining the final ruling our Law Firm in Poland represents clients during the enforcement proceeding in Poland, including preparing and submitting the motion for initiating the enforcement, finding debtors assets and final recover of funds.
Data protection in Poland - GDPR in Poland
Since the 25 May 2018 of and the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”), our Law Firm in Poland supports all activities that are aimed at ensuring data security and raising awareness in this regard. Within the scope of our services, we support our clients within the scope most wider scope of personal data protection in Poland.
Pernament Legal Services in Poland
Our Law Firm in Poland provides permanent legal assistance concerning clients economic activity and other assets related matters. Our polish legal assistance is oriented to ensure the proper protection of our clients legal interests.
Under the Permanent Legal Services our Law Firm in Poland in particular:
- reviews drafts of legal documents,
- prepares drafts of contracts and negotiate contracts with contractors;
- prepares legal opinions;
- represents Clients before the courts, offices and other law enforcement bodies, including participation in negotiations, mediation and conciliation proceedings;
- recovers debts and obligations.
Permanent Legal Services in Poland are rendered upon monthly subscription for legal assistance, which terms are determined individually for each client, depending on his needs.