Polish Trusted Profile – EPUAP
Polish Trusted Profile (“ePuap”, “eGo”) enables Polish citizens and foreigners to contact with authorities. It also provides the possibility to electronically sign documents and is necessary to perform certain operations by company in Poland.
What is Trusted Profile in Poland?
A Trusted Profile (ePUAP, eGo) is a method of confirming a citizen’s identity in electronic administration systems. A Trusted Profile in Poland is nothing else than an electronic signature. The alternative way of sign electronically official documents is qualified electronic signature which can be acquired by Polish private providers.
Therefore, the Polish Trusted Profile confirms the natural person’s identity. An electronic signature confirmed by a trusted profile replaces the handwritten signature in contacts with public entities.
How does Trusted Profile work?
The Trusted Profile in Poland is nothing else than online profile (login and password) which enables to sign electronically documents. It is used by typing SMC-codes which will be sent to your phone number. You do not need any device (usb stick) to use it.
Why Trusted Profile should be obtained?
First of all, in certain situations Polish Trusted Profile or qualified electronic signature is the only method to sign document and can not be replaced. Electronic signature is necessary to fulfill corporate obligations:
- To sign financial statement of Polish Limited Liability Company;
- Enter company into Polish Register of Beneficial Owners.
Member of the Management Board of Polish company can not authorize third person to sign electronically above mentioned application.
Moreover, Trusted Profile is very useful to carry out official matters, in particular when Polish business undertaking is operated by foreigner abroad. Polish Trusted Profile may be used to:
- open company in Poland;
- manage Polish Social Security Matters of employees;
- contact with Polish authorities;
- submit tax declarations and JPK VAT files.
How to obtain Trusted Profile in Poland?
- Trusted Profile may be acquired by any natural person – also foreigner. However to obtain Polish Trusted Profile foreigner has to have PESEL number. Therefore, gathering PESEL is first step for foreigner to obtain electronic signature in Poland.
- Next, foreigner has to register his account online via electronic application form:
The application for creating a Trusted Profile is automatically sent via the Internet when you register an account. - Finally, foreigner has to activate a Trusted Profile by confirming his identity. It can be done only by visiting in person confirmation points (also abroad – Polish Consulate or Polish Embassy).