New Webpage of Commercial Register in Poland

At the beginning of May 2024, there was an unexpected change to the website of the Commercial Register in Poland. The new webpage is also available at a new address:

Commercial Register in Poland

As before, access to the Commercial Register is completely free. It is the most important register in Poland, where all Polish companies can be found. Additionally, the Register provides information about foundations and associations in Poland.

The website of the Commercial Register not only contains basic information about companies in Poland but also allows users to download an excerpt from the register, which, once printed, has the power of an official document.

To search for a company in Poland, first, you need to select the section titled “Przedsiębiorcy” – Entrepreneurs.

Next, you need to provide at least one of the company’s details:

  1. Name;
  2. NIP number (Tax Identification Number);
  3. KRS number (National Court Register number);
  4. REGON number (National Official Business Register number).

Finally, click the blue “Wyszukaj”  – Search button. 

The search results will appear at the bottom of the page. To check detailed information of a specific company, click the KRS number in the search results.

To download an excerpt from the Commercial Register, click the “Pobierz PDF”  – Download PDF button in the “Infromacje Aktualne” – Current Information section.

Excerpt from Commercial Register in Poland

As mentioned earlier, the printout of information downloaded under Article 4(4aa) of the Act of 20 August 1997 on the National Court Register has the power of a document issued by the Central Information, and it does not require a signature and seal.

The data indicated in the excerpt from the Commercial Register is very detailed. The scope of information about the company is much wider compared to the commercial registers in other countries. Therefore, an excerpt from the Polish Commercial Register replaces a range of documents characteristic of foreign jurisdictions.

An excerpt from the Commercial Register in Poland includes, among other, the following information:

  1. Section 1: Entity data, such as the registered office and address, branches, information about the Articles of Association, formation method, shareholders’ information, share capital.
  2. Section 2: Representation of the Polish company, for example, during contract signing.
  3. Section 3: Scope of business activity, information on submitted documents (e.g., financial statements, group financial statements) and information about the fiscal year-end.
  4. Section 4: Information on arrears, such as tax and customs debts, claims, bankruptcy announcements, execution cessation.
  5. Section 5: Information about the custodian.
  6. Section 6: Information about the company’s liquidation or dissolution, merger or transformation, bankruptcy and composition proceedings, restructuring or remedial proceedings, suspension of activities.

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