AML and KYC in Poland
Our Law Firm in Poland covers all aspects of legal advisory in scope of AML and KYC in Poland.
It has to be noted that Polish AML Act (the Polish Act of 1st March 2018 on counteracting money laundering and financing terrorism) fully implanted both European AML directives:
- Directive (EU) 2015/849 (IV AML Directive);
- Directive (EU) 2018/843 (V AML Directive).
In scope of AML in Poland legal services, in particular we offer:
- evaluation whether the business profile and business operation of client is regulated under Polish AML Act;
- preparation of unified standards of internal AML Policy in order to mitigate the legal, regulatory, reputational, operational, and as a consequence financial risks;
- defining and inputting security measures (due diligence measures) – KYC in Poland;
- recognizing the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing related to business relationships or an occasional transaction and preparation the method and the level of the recognized risk;
- external audit with a summary judgment about the quality of the client’s anti-money laundering program and policy;
- AML in Poland training as part of the mandatory Polish AML Act obligation;
- Representation and communication with General Inspector of Financial Information (regulator authority in Poland).