PESEL number in Poland
PESEL has to be defined as Personal Identification Number of every Polish citizen. In certain conditions PESEL may be obtained also by foreigner even if foreigner has not place residence in Poland. The PESEL number is an eleven-digit numerical symbol that allows to easily identify the natural person by Polish authorities. In every official correspondence with Polish Authorities natural person should indicate his PESEL number.
Our Law Firm in Poland assists clients in obtaining PESEL number in Poland completely remotely without necessity of visiting Poland or sending to us any documentation via post. Such possibility is reserved only for licensed attorneys in Poland.
Why you should obtain PESEL number in Poland?
AML/KYC reasons:
First of all, financial institutions (banks) in Poland are obligated to perform financial security measures during verification of new clients. According to Polish Act on counteracting money laundering and financing terrorism:
Financial security measures shall include among others customer identification and verification of its identity.
Natural person identification shall consist in determining among others PESEL or the date of birth – in the case PESEL was not assigned.
Therefore, representative of foreign or Polish company who plans to open bank account in Polish bank should first obtain PESEL number before filling application to bank. PESEL number of representative of company significantly increases the chances for bank approval.
Polish Trusted Profile – electronic signature in Poland:
Polish Trusted Profile is a free method of confirming identity in electronic administration systems. A trusted profile acts as a handwritten signature. Individual can use it to send documents and requests to all Polish Authorities via the internet (e.g. submit an application, appeal, complaint). Trusted profile is also required for filling financial statement by Polish company. However, to grant access and use trusted profile it is necessary to have PESEL number.