Are your company selling medicinal products to polish customers? Be aware of new understanding of polish pharmaceutical act

First of all, Polish Pharmaceutical Act has not been amended.
That is: Polish citizen can import to Poland 5 packages of medicinal product on his own purpose. However, these medicines can not be psychotropic or narcotic products.
However, on literal wording Polish Pharmaceutical Act stipulates that Polish citizen can bring from abroad 5 packages of medicinal product on his own purpose.
Early last month, the Main Pharmaceutical Inspector obligate the customs authorities to understand this provision very narrowly.
According to the Main Pharmaceutical Inspector this regulation should apply only to situation when Polish citizen brings physically from abroad medicinal product.
According to this understanding, Polish citizen is not allowed to import medicinal product for their own purposes by post or courier but only in person. Therefore he has to travel abroad in person and bring medicinal products with him to Poland. Such understanding for Polish customers are both futile and ridiculous.
Our law firm considers such narrow interpretation of this regulation as misinterpretation and misapplication. On behalf our clients, who conduct bussines activity in form of pharmacy selling medicinal products to Polish customers, We have outlined and now undertake several measres to handle this situation.
Should you are interested in legal assistance with importing medicinal products to Polish customers or any further information do not hesitate to contact us via form.