Increasing Share Capital in a Polish Company

Increasing the share capital in a Polish company is a process undertaken to secure additional financing or meet legal and regulatory requirements. The raising share capital of company in Poland can be completed either through traditional notarial procedures or online via EKRS system. This article provides overview  of the methods, procedural steps, requirements and potential costs to navigate…

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Financial Statement of Polish Company

Polish company is obligated to prepare, approve, and submit its financial statement for the previous fiscal year to the National Court Register (KRS). The deadline for fulfilling this obligation is July 15.  The article presents key information regarding annual fiscal obligation of company in Poland. Timeframes Most Polish companies decide to use calendar year as their fiscal year.…

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New Webpage of Commercial Register in Poland

At the beginning of May 2024, there was an unexpected change to the website of the Commercial Register in Poland. The new webpage is also available at a new address: Commercial Register in Poland As before, access to the Commercial Register is completely free. It is the most important register in Poland, where all Polish companies can…

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Cryptocurrency Register in Poland

Conducting business activity in the field of cryprocurrencies in Poland  becomes a regulated business shortly. Cryptocurrency entrepreneur will be obligated to obtain entry into Cryptocurrency Business Register in Poland. Entry into cryptocurency register shall be subject to certain formal conditions. New Polish AML regulation Firstly, it would do well to recall that, according to Article 1, paragraph 1 Directive (Eu) 2018/843 Of…

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Changes to the name of company in Poland

After establishment of the company in Poland the decision to change business name of company may arise.  This can occur for various reasons, such as rebranding, adaption name of the polish company to offered services or products, differentiation from the competition. How to change name of company in Poland? Changing the name of the company is connected with amendments of…

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Limitations of business activity in Poland

Freedom of conducting business activity In accordance with Article 3 of the Polish Act - “the Entrepreneur Law” the business activity in Poland is organised and commercial activity, performed on own behalf and on a continuous basis. The fundamental principle in Polish commercial law is the freedom to conducting business activities. This principle was expressed in Article 2…

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Commercial Register in Poland

As a rule, conducting business activity requires entry into Commercial Register in Poland. There can be distinguished two Business Registers in Poland: Central Registry and Information about Business Activities (pl: “CEIDG”)  and Companies Register – National Court Register (pl: “KRS”). Companies Register in Poland – National Court Register (pl: “KRS”) The National Court Register is probably the most…

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Beneficial Owners Register in Poland

What is Central Register of Beneficial Owners in Poland? The Polish Register of Real Beneficiaries (pl: “CRBR”) is new system of information introduced in October 2019 in Polish law. One of the main reason of setting out the Register of Beneficial Owners in Poland is counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing. Polish Government assumptions was having accurate and…

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Company formation in Poland by foreigner

Many of our foreign clients’ main question in regard of company formation in Poland is about requirements.  Are there any conditions which foreigner has to meet to open company in Poland? Foreigners groups First of all, it has to be underlined that we can distinguish several forms of operate business activity in Poland.  Not every foreigner may establish…

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Transferring personal money into company in Poland

The minimum value of the share capital in a limited liability company in Poland is PLN 5.000. This amount covers only the initial operating costs of Polish company. The share capital money runs out very quickly. This raises the question how to finance companies activities? What to do if you run out of money in a Polish company?You…

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