Opening a company in Poland and company formation in Poland is multi-stage process. Regardless of way of establishment of the company in Poland it is necessary to conclude most important document of every company in Poland – Articles of Associations pl: “Umowa spółki”.
Depending on way of concluding Articles of Association the two ways of company formation in Poland can be distinguished:
- Formation company in Poland in person
- Remote opening company in Poland
In this article we handle matter of formation company in Poland in person:
To open company in Poland we will need your presence for one day. During this day we will appear at the notary public office for the execution of a notarial deed (Articles of Association of the Company) and signing a lease agreement for virtual office (temporary or main sea/ address of the company in Poland).
From the moment of signing Articles of Association by future shareholders, the company can conduct business activity. However it will be entered officially into Commercial Register in around 3 weeks. It will also at that time obtain Register Number and Tax Identification Number.
At this point (after company registration in Poland) it is possible to open bank account for Polish company. The bank account have to be opened in person. It is not possible to open bank account in any Polish bank remotely.